Blog – Daniel


This has been a good week for me to eat some different types of food.

While I know they are very common for most Japanese people, I still haven’t had the chance to eat them so often. I was lucky to have been able to eat a lot of really tasty meals over the past couple of days.
First I had yakiniku which I found to be really fun as well as delicious.  In Canada I would really enjoy barbecuing in the backyard, and although it’s inside it’s still really enjoyable.
I also got to have salted octopus sashimi which is one of my favourite foods.  Many of my friends think that it’s strange but it’s so tasty to me.
Finally I had spicy shoyu ramen.  I really love spicy foods so I try to get the spiciest dishes there are to offer whenever I get the chance.
Japan has so many delicious foods to try and I have only scratched the surface.  I hope everyone is staying safe, having a wonderful weekend. 


A bag for life?


eco-friendly bag
reusable bag
reusable shopping bag
shopping bag
tote bag
shopping tote
bag for life (一生使えるバッグ)という呼び方はイギリスでしか通用しないかもしれません。

Blog – 新ネイティブ講師 Daniel先生

今月から、Mark先生に代わってキッズ、社会人のクラスを担当するネイティブ講師のDaniel 先生の初ブログです。子供のころの思い出の映画、バックトゥザフューチャーの日本語吹き替え版をテレビで見た驚きを書いてくれました。

Hello everyone my name is Daniel and I recently moved to Tokyo.
I wanted to talk about my first experience watching a movie from home on cable television in Japan. Last night was the first time I’ve watched Japanese television in about 4 months. I was really surprised and excited to find out that they were playing one of my favorite childhood movies “Back to the Future” on the television. I was also very surprised that all of the voices have been changed to Japanese because usually when I watch western movies the audio usually remains the same. I had expected it to be in English with Japanese subtitles, but since I already knew the movie very well it was good practice for me to work on my listening skills. I think it’s a really good practice to watch movies in the language you are learning and to read the subtitles in your native language. My friend even informed me that they will be playing the sequel this upcoming Friday so I am really looking forward to that. It was a very nostalgic feeling to see a movie that I haven’t seen in over a decade.
I hope you all have a great week and enjoy your upcoming weekend.


Blog – Mark

Mark先生の日記 家族や友人のために祈ろう
Today I want to talk about family. With this hellacious Coronavirus Pandemic going on across the planet, there’s a great need to express the love and care we should be showing each other. Family, friends, and neighbors should work together so we can all get through it. My Family’s in Hawaii, California, DC, New York, South Carolina, etc.. We can stay in touch via Skype and other apps. Well for me, prayer is num #1. Believing and having faith in Jesus helps me to stay strong and keep pushing forward. So if you’re feeling down and negative. Try concentrating on family and the many blessings you already have. Don’t forget to reach out to others because everybody needs somebody in times like this. Lets all keep the positivity flowing! PEACE!

Blog – Mark


Do you believe in visualization? Lately I’ve been watching a lot of videos on Youtube about the power of visualizing your goals into reality. It’s about living your dreams and not your nightmares. One of my best motivational speakers goes by the name “Les Brown”. His speeches are very moving to me. It’s like taking a morning vitamin of pure life and energy. It gives me the confidence and energy I need to get through the day. Also I listen to a compilation of speakers from many different genres. Some are movie stars, sportsmen, world leaders, and regular individuals who strive and are destined for greatness. So if you need a little “pick me upper” in your day then I recommend listening to different motivational speakers and find the ones that moves you best. I swear to you it works, PEACE!
visualization: 視覚化
compilation: 編集物
strive: 努力する
destine: 運命づける
motivational speaker:動機付けスピーカー

中でもマーク先生がYoutubeではまっているのが アメリカのLes Brownという人で、米下院議員、著者、ラジオDJ、テレビ司会者などの経歴を持ち、”It’s possible!” (それは可能です!)をキャッチフレーズに活動をする最も有名な動機付けスピーカーの一人です。

Blog – Mark

【Mark 先生のつぶやき~最近ハマってるTVドラマ】
So… I’m like really into TV series nowadays. Recently I’ve been locked into a TV series titled “IMPULSE” season 1. You can watch it on YouTube Premium. What a strange name right? Anyway, I highly recommend this TV show. It’s exciting, intriguing, and suspenseful. Also, if you’re into a little blood and gore then you’ll love this. Basically it’s about a girl who discovers she has a super power. Through emotions, fear, and anger triggers her teleporting ability. When she first starts noticing she has this ability, she didn’t have a clue about how to control it. That resulted in her accidentally killing people. So eventually she grasped her ability and did unimaginable things which some she regrets and some she doesn’t. Also she finds out her power isn’t a secret and there’s been a private elite team tracking her every move.Now she’s faced with having to choose between using her power for the greater good or the dark side. I can’t wait for season 2!! PEACE!
Mark先生、YouTube Premium のシリーズドラマ ”Impulse”にはまっているようです。
本人曰く、このドラマは exciting(ハラハラドキドキ)で intriguing(刺激的)で、しかも suspenseful(サスペンス満載)と絶賛しています。
シーズン1では、時には制御不能な超能力を持つ女の子がその力を使って善(the greater good)につくのか、悪(the dark side)につくのか、もしくは力を封印して普通の人として生きるのかという葛藤を描きつつ、その力に目をつけ彼女に忍び寄る謎のエリート組織が登場します。
バイオレントなシーンもあるようで、Mark 先生は、多少の流血シーンがOKな人という条件付きでこのドラマをお勧めしています。上記英文の ”… if you’re into a little blood and gore…” という部分ですが、
be into ~: ~に興味を持つ、はまる
blood and gore: 血液や血のり
a little:少しだけ
この”Impulse”の他にもNetflix が配信する”Stranger Things” や “Raising Dion” も大ヒットしています。どれも期待を裏切らないクオリティーなのでお勧めですよ。是非吹替ではなく、原語(英語)で見てください!