New Studetns for Early-Bird lessons

今月から 早朝英会話お試しコースを始めた生徒さんと レッスン場所の イタリアンカフェ&ダイナー サンキャッチャーにて記念撮影しました。 幡ヶ谷6号通りのお花屋さんの生徒さんからは、素敵なガーベラをいただき(写真)、今日はとても面白い 日本のお花屋さんにくる外国人のお客さんの 「あるある」話を聞かせていただきました。

外国人の男性客はよく、日本人のガールフレンドとのデートの時に花束を買いに花屋さんにいって、なんと仏花を買ってしまうのだそうです! 外国では菊の花がお墓や仏壇用という認識はなく、すでにアレンジされてお店に売っている仏花のブーケはカラフルでキレイで値段もお手頃なので、知らない外国人はよく買ってしてまって、それを日本人の彼女にプレゼントして大失敗するというお話でした。






A nice gift





タイトル:”New Kid”
著者:Jerry Craft
アートスクールに行って漫画家になることを希望している、ごく一般家庭の少年、Jordan が両親の強い勧めで、お金持ちエリートたちが通う名門私立中学校に入学し、未知の環境の中で奮闘する日々を描いた作品です。
人種問題、経済格差、地域格差、いじめ、親子関係、友人関係 など様々な問題と向き合い、悩みながら、主人公の少年が成長していきます。
派手なアクションも笑いも過度にシリアスなシーンもないですが、Jordan と彼をとりまく登場人物たちの何気ない言動がリアルなアメリカの社会の現状を反映していてとても興味深く、読みだすと不思議と止まらなくなります。

早朝英語 サンキャッチャーでスポットレッスン受けてみました! 

早朝英語 スポットレッスン スタート
早朝英会話の スポットレッスン(空いている時間に1回40分だけ予約、受講)がスタートしました。早速、HPよりお申込みをいただきました!

Blog – Daniel

最近よくNetflix でドラマを見ているというダニエル先生のお気に入りは
今世界で話題沸騰中の イカ・ゲーム (Squid Game) 。ダニエル先生いわく、


During the past month I haven’t had much to do, so I’ve been watching
a lot of Netflix since I have been staying at home for the most part.
A popular recommendation on my Netflix came up called Squid Game and
at first I ignored it, but recently I ended up breaking down and
watching it.  I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was and ended
up binge watching the entire show in two days.  It reminded me of some
other Japanese films with similar ideas so I ended up watching those
as well.  I hope to watch some other good shows as well this month
since I know that October is always the rainy season of the year.
It’s always nice to stay inside and watch TV on a rainy day.  What TV
shows do you want to watch when the weather isn’t so nice?


社会人早朝レッスンは幡ヶ谷のイタリアンレストラン、Sun Catcher にて開講中です。火~金 朝6時40分から10時まで。対面、オンラインどちらもOK。

Blog – Daniel

ダニエル先生、ゴールデンウィーク中に キャンプを楽しんだようです。

Over Golden Week I got my first camping experience in Japan.  It was
really nice to meet some new people, sit back and relax.  My friends
cooked up some chicken and beef on the grill while we all got together
to talk together and drink.  Even though it was my first camping
experience in Japan I felt so comfortable and relaxed, it seemed to be
very similar to a camping experience in Canada although I think my
friends prepared for camping much better than me and my friends in
Canada would have.  We also cooked up some super spicy yakisoba, my
friends said it was too spicy so I ended up eating most of it. Towards
the end of the night we had a campfire and some of the kids had a
special package called “ArtFire” that they threw into the fire to make
the fire change colours from blue to green, it was my first time to
see something like that and it reminded me of a fire version of the
Aurora Borealis.  The smell of a campfire was really nostalgic for me
and brought back memories of camping with my family as a child.  I
wonder if camping is as popular in Japan as it is back in Canada,
regardless I had a lot of fun and I think everyone else did as well.
I would like to go camping again soon and for a longer time to relax
and enjoy the outdoors.  What did you do for Golden Week, I hope
everyone had a fun and relaxing week.  As always, stay safe and I hope
everybody has a good weekend.


Blog – Daniel


Happy New Years!

During the holidays leading up to the new year I did quite a bit of
eating so I think my New Year’s resolution this year should be to lose
weight as well as trying to learn new kanji and trying to save up
money for whatever this year will bring.  For Christmas eve I went to
Odaiba to have dinner and go shopping.  The year has only started and
I already have a few first time experiences.  I went to Saitama for
the first time to celebrate the new year.  Saitama was very quiet and
peaceful so it was nice to get a break from the hustle and bustle of
Tokyo for a while, also the sky and air is very clear so I was able to
stargaze at night.  It was also my first time having a traditional
Japanese New Year meal.  Afterwards I spent my first time going
holiday shopping for my family in Kawagoe.  It’s always difficult to
buy gifts for family members especially in a foreign country because I
don’t know if they will understand how to use it or be able to enjoy
it completely.  So I decided to keep it simple and get practical gifts
for my family such as soaps, incense as well as some cute socks and
clothing that I knew they would enjoy.  Gift giving is an important
part of North American culture and often we feel that we haven’t given
enough to our friends or families, but this year I know that everyone
is going through a difficult time and I am sending them my best wishes
as well as things that will make them feel more relaxed and
comfortable.  I am certain that my family will be happy regardless of
what I give them but I always still feel like it’s not enough. I hope
that everyone has a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous new year
despite any challenges you may face.

From here in Tokyo we are wishing everyone a Happy New Years and Happy

Wishing you all the best!


Blog – Daniel

Daniel 先生の日記 ~川崎ロボステージ ロボットショールーム~

Daniel 先生が週末を利用してお台場のロボットショールーム、KAWAKI ROBOSTAGE を訪れた際の体験レポートです。
Recently me and my friend went to Odaiba and were able to visit the
Kawasaki Robostage.  We got the chance to see 3 presentations of
Kawasaki robotic technology.  I would highly recommend it because it
was really interesting, fun and free.  The first presentation that we
saw was a VR chair that moves you around and shows you video on a VR
headset.  You are able to choose from a selection of scenes and after
you have made your selection, a robotic arm moves your chair around to
simulate the same actions that are seen in the video.  The second
presentation that we saw was a drawing robot that takes a picture of
you and then analyzes it to make an outline of your face and
afterwards it draws you onto a special piece of paper.  They even let
me keep the drawing and take it home with me.  The third presentation
that we were shown was a lab technician robot that is able to use a
pipette to extract liquid from a beaker and put it inside of a set of
test tubes.  The entire experience was rather short so if you do end
up going to Odaiba be sure to have some other activities planned as it
won’t take up the entire day by any means but it was definitely a
worthwhile experience and I had a lot of fun.  I hope you all have a
wonderful winter season this year.  As always, have fun and stay safe.