Language is an art. It evolves all the time. Scholars and dictionaries must keep up. The Internet has become the strongest and the number one source of new words in this generation. It has spawned a new crop of words of stuff and the combinations of words are clever.
Many of the new words are from, which is basically a dictionary of modern slang. This site is probably the most complete dictionary of modern slang.
Most of the words are portmanteaus. It’s what you get when you mash both the sounds and meanings of two words together to get a new one. Did you know, for example, that the word ‘smog’ is a portmanteau (smoke and fog)? ‘Brunch’ (breakfast and lunch) is another one that is becoming more and more popular, although it’s been around for a while.
Aside from the examples given above, there are much more words that you may find interesting and useful at times. Why don’t you check the following pictures with the new words and their meanings. Click the images below.