
常に複数の本を並行して読むのが習慣となっているのですが、現在、英語原文で読んでいる本の一つが、East of Eden, かの有名な「エデンの東」です。作者のJohn Steinbeck は言わずも知れたアメリカ文学の巨人(a giant of American letters) と称されるノーベル賞受賞の文豪です。また彼の作品の多くは西洋文学の古典(classics of Western literature)と呼ばれていますが、中でも有名なのが、伝説のハリウッド俳優、ジェームス・ディーン主演で映画化されたこの「エデンの東」でしょう。
僕は学生時代に原文で「怒りの葡萄」(The Grapes of Wrath)を読み、「エデンの東」も何度か読み始めたのですが、なぜかいつも途中で読むのをやめてしまっていました。最近本棚を整理していて、この小説を見つけ、改めて読破することを心に決めて暇を見つけては読んでいます。

Happy New Year_Sharika

Happy New Year!

New Year’s Day is one of the most celebrated, festive and busiest events of the year. Families and friends celebrate together and a variety of celebration is practiced worldwide. The idea of being away from family and friends on this day seems sad and devastating, but it can be the opposite. Experiencing and learning a new tradition can be fun, exciting, interesting and enlightening.

This year, I spent my New Year in Japan for the first time. I compared how different the tradition and practices were to the Philippines’. The journey of knowing these was nothing but enjoyable. I made a list of things to distinguish how the celebration in both countries differ. (Please see the list below.)

After the event, I came to realize that a few things were similar, but there were much more differences. In Japan, people commemorate New Year’s Day solemnly, quietly and in a more relaxed way, while in the Philippines, people welcome the new year with a ‘bang’. It’s all about loud noise that equates happiness. The louder, the better. The belief is a happy beginning means a happy year.