



“cliffhanger” です。

文字通り、崖(cliff) からぶら下がっている物(hanger)という意味ですが、通常は、「いいところで終わるドラマ」や「最後までわからない緊迫した試合」という意味で使われます。

“The boxing match was a cliffhanger.”

”This show always ends on a cliffhanger.”


ある人が、「この映画はぜんぜん”cliffhanger” じゃない!」と不評を言っても、「いや、あれは実際のところ ”cliffhanger” だよ!」と言い返せる、という仕組みなのかもしれません。

受付時間:平日9:00-19:00 *日・祝日休み
TEL : 03-6276-2631
FAX : 03-6276-2632
MAIL : todoke@planet-gp.com
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We are now almost half-way through the year already.



Time flies. We’re now almost half-way through the year already. June is the 6th month of the year. The month of June was named after the Roman goddess name Juno, the goddess of marriage. During the ancient time, the best time to get married was in June because the marriage would be protected by Juno. However, things changed.
People across the globe do other special things and celebrate different occasions in June. How about in Japan? What do Japanese people do in June? How’s June like in Japan?
June has less events than any other month in Japan. Nevertheless, a handful of event can be found. Here’s the list.
Yosakoi Soran Festival
Early June (unconfirmed), Sapporo
The Yosakoi Soran Festival is a Yosakoi dance festival featuring 300 teams and 30,000 dancers. Most of the teams are university and college teams that come from all over Japan to compete. Sapporo is on the northern island of Hokkaido and has no rainy season.
Sanno Festival
June 7 to June 17, Tokyo
The Sanno Festival involves a long parade of 25 kilometers through the streets of central Tokyo. It also includes several smaller events at Hie Shrine.
Hokkaido Shrine Festival
June 14 to June 16, Sapporo
A standard Japanese festival with mikoshi, a float parade and festival food. It has a local feel with few international visitors. Northern cities have a special enthusiasm for Spring and the locals jump at a chance to put on yukata and spend time outside in June. The festival attracts 1 million people, representing about half the population of the city.

受付時間:平日9:00-19:00 *日・祝日休み
TEL : 03-6276-2631
FAX : 03-6276-2632
MAIL : todoke@planet-gp.com
HP :

Communication~Sharika ~

Communication is one of the most important parts of our daily life. We cannot live without communicating with others in various ways. Communication is an art that everyone has to master. When communicating, we need to know the do`s and don`t`s to carry out a good and successful conversation.However, not all conversations can end up positively, along the way problems may arise. So, what are the things that we should do to avoid these and to have a better conversation?
Here are some tips from Celeste Headlee, She discussed about ways on how to have a better conversation. Watch her video and learn.
Enjoy watching!


受付時間:平日9:00-19:00 *日・祝日休み
TEL : 03-6276-2631
FAX : 03-6276-2632
MAIL : todoke@planet-gp.com
HP :

Hina Matsuri

March 3 is Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival or Girls’ Festival), when people pray for the happiness and healthy growth of girls. Families with young daughters mark this day by setting up a display of dolls inside the house. They offer rice crackers and other food to the dolls.
The dolls wear costumes of the imperial court during the Heian period (794-1192) and are placed on a tiered platform covered with red felt. The size of the dolls and number of steps vary, but usually the displays are of five or seven layers; single-tiered decorations with one male and one female doll are also common.
The top tier is reserved for the emperor and the empress. A miniature gilded folding screen is placed behind them, just like the real Imperial throne of the ancient court.
On the second tier are three ladies-in-waiting, and on the third are five male court musicians. Ministers sit on either side of trays of food on the fourth step, and the fifth row features guards flanked by an orange tree to the left and a cherry tree to the right.
The practice of displaying these dolls on the third day of the third month on the traditional Japanese calendar began during the Edo period (1603-1868). It started as a way of warding off evil spirits, with the dolls acting as a charm. Even today, people in some parts of the country release paper dolls into rivers after the festival, praying that the dolls take people’s place in carrying away sickness and bad fortune.
Most families take their beautiful collection of dolls out of the closet around mid-February and put it away again as soon as Hina Matsuri is over. This is because of an old superstition that families that are slow in putting back the dolls have trouble marrying off their daughters.


受付時間:平日9:00-19:00 *日・祝日休み
TEL : 03-6276-2631
FAX : 03-6276-2632
MAIL : todoke@planet-gp.com
HP :