Cherry Blossom!

Spring season has just started. It’s means a new beginning.

In Japan, cherry blossoms are popular in spring. For Japanese people the blooming of cherry blossom trees symbolizes human life, transience and nobleness.

People await this time and enjoy the festival, sakura festival or also called cherry blossom festival. They go out and enjoy hanami, the traditional viewing and enjoying the beauty of the cherry blossoms.

To indulge in picnics beneath the blooming cherry blossom trees and enjoy hanami, here’s the forecast for this year. The best spots to see them are included as well. Let’s all enjoy the week-long beauty of the cherry blossom trees.


プラネットアカデミーの早朝レッスンの受講生が、英語の小説を読破しました! 4月にアメリカのポートランドを一人旅で訪れた早朝レッスン受講生のCさん、ポートランドの有名な書店で見つけた、青少年向けの小説 「Swing Sideways」を、1か月足らずで読破したそうです! 読み進む度に朝のレッスンで、ストーリーを説明してくれていました。ご本人いわく、この本を買ったのは、表紙の絵が素敵だったから、そして、英語で本を読むのは初だったけど、先生に言われた通り、知らない言葉は飛ばして、とにかく読みすすめることを心がけた、そうです。おかげで、大体のストーリーは把握でき、めでたく読破できました。おめでとうございます!Cさんから聞いた限りでは、主人公の女の子が、家族や学校や友人との心の葛藤をもちながら、新しい親友とともに成長していく、とても素敵な物語です。Cさん、是非もう一度最初から読みなおしてみてください。次はもっともっと沢山理解でき、楽しめますよ!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It’s Yuletide season again. It means Christmas time and wintertime. It’s a season of joy and and a season of giving. Each country has its own culture in celebrating this season.
In Japan, Christmas is celebrated with Christmas cake and many lights and bright Christmas decors. With this, Illuminations have become a part of the tradition. For this year, prepared a list of places where you can enjoy the light festival. It’ll be a fun experience for everyone, so don’t miss the chance.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Click the link below to see the whole page.

‘Ber’ Months’

Today is the last day of August and tomorrow ‘Ber’ Months’ will start.
There are few good reasons to celebrate ‘Ber Months’. Many are now excited every time that “Ber” months starts. It means that the ghost month period is finally over and it is the start of a season that is full of optimism. “Ber” months is a period of the year where most holiday occurs. This period involves the last four months of the year, which are September, October, November, and December, basing from the Gregorian calendar.
What happens when ‘Ber months’ start?
1. Holiday season starts
2. More discounts
3. Cheaper tourism
4. Family gathering
5. Attending events and parties
6. Gift giving
7. Start earning more.
8. Vacation
There are a lot of things to do and celebrate during these months. Are you excited to do them? Which one is your favorite? Mine are vacation, family gathering and attending events and parties